Happy Easter from Space Inclusive!

With the clocks going forward, the days are finally seeming longer and there is a light at the end of the winter tunnel! Although the change in seasons don’t seem particularly apparent at the moment; with clouds of drizzle and grey looming in the air; The Celebration of Easter marks the start of spring- with the promise of warm weather and summer fun on the horizon!

Here at space, we have been keeping ourselves busy by getting involved in a variety of easter themed crafts! From painting and decorating our own eggs (with the eggs symbolising birth and new beginnings) to creating our very own ‘Easter Bonnets’ – we left no stone un-turned with our crafting capabilities!

We are looking forward to a long easter weekend- spending time with friends and family; and hopefully getting the chance to enjoy some chocolate too!

We wish everyone celebrating (or even just taking the time to relax!) a restful and Happy Easter- We look forward to taking part in more creative activities when we return!

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