Sherwood art week 2022 at Space…

Sherwood art week took place last week, running from Saturday 25th June- Sunday 3rd July 2022.
It was an opportunity for Sherwood and the wider Nottingham community to get involved in activities and workshops, and to display their arts and crafts in shops and local homes!

So of course, we jumped at the chance to showcase some of the amazing art projects that we have been working on across our sites!

Getting involved in our local community is something we are always passionate to pursue here at Space, so when we can couple that with displaying some of our hard work and promoting our creative talents – it is always a magical recipe!

We find taking part in arts and crafts an amazing way to relax, promote teamwork and solo thinking, and improve our fine motor skills such as coloring, cutting, and painting!

Our amazing creations were in place in the ‘Hope’ charity shop in Sherwood, and it was great to have our mix of paintings, ceramics, prints, and sculptural bowls displayed in the windows all week for our local community to look at!

(Image Descriptions: Some of our amazing multi-media pieces were on display in the window at the hope charity shop last week! Including self-portraits, ceramic sculptures, fabricated masks, lino prints, and recycled paper bowls!)

Did you see our wonderful works of art last week? We would love to hear your thoughts on our creations, so leave us a comment below!
Like what you saw? Be sure to have a look at the Sherwood art week website to see how you can get involved in the future!

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